A Pediatrician's Guide to Break Free From Solo Mom

Some solo moms constantly battle "should storms" that often come from societal expectations. But as Tony Robbins says, this "shoulding all over ourselves" only creates negativity and stress.

In this episode, Pediatrician and author, Alison Escalante reveals ways we can parent more effectively when we listen to our internal cues instead of letting societal norms put constant pressure

Alison's simple strategy can help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming situations in parenting solo, especially if you're parenting teens and young adults.

This episode is for you if you're anxious about raising your children and want to learn how to parent from a place of grace.

Connect with Alison: website | Instagram | Youtube

Mentioned in this episode

Book: Sigh, See, Start. How to be a Parent Your Child Needs in a World That Won't Stop Pushing by Alison Ascalante: https://amzn.to/4cCrZ2j

For more tips and resources check out our blog: https://tinyurl.com/nhfjzdbk

Don't parent alone. Book a confidential call and let's chat: https://tinyurl.com/yc5t8bwc

Watch SoloMoms! Talk on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/25h5bpn7

#Howtostopshouldingovermyself #Copingwiththeshouldsofparenting

#Overcomingmomguiltandregret #Tony Robbinsquotesaboutselfdoubt

#Howtoparentwithoutsocietalpressure #Shiftingyourmindsetasasolomom #Selfcompassionforsolomoms

#Tipstoovercomeinternalcritic #Buildingconfidenceasasolomom #alisonascalante


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Mentioned in this episode:

Don't Parent in Silence

Hello Solo Moms. As a solo mom of three adult sons, I understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. As a mentor, my mission is to help you shift your mindset and empower you to take control of your life, to see yourself as God sees you. I know that unresolved trauma can be a heavy burden to carry and parenting alone can be a lonely journey, but it doesn't have to be that way. I want you to know that you are not alone. You have the strength and resilience to overcome your challenges and create the life you desire. Speaker 1: 0:41 I want to help you to make the effort to tackle unresolved trauma and change your perspective so you can live the life you deserve. I offer complimentary consultation where we can discuss how to move forward, create a plan to help you heal and empower you. You can schedule a consultation by emailing me at jen@jrosemarie.com or by calling + 1-917-994-1329 (WhatsApp), or schedule a consultation with the link below. I am here for you and I want to help you take the first step toward healing and empowerment. Don't let unresolved trauma hold you back any longer. Don't parent in silence. Take action today and let's work together to empower you to live the life you desire. Thank you.

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Find out more about SoloMoms! Talk


00:00 - Parenting With Grace and Confidence

16:30 - Empowering Solo Moms Through Self-Compassion

Alison Escalante Profile Photo

Alison Escalante


Alison Escalante MD is a Pediatrician, author of the upcoming book Sigh, See, Start: How to Be the parent your child needs in a world that won’t stop pushing, TEDx Speaker, Writer and Woman on a Mission to ease the epidemic of anxiety that has convinced us we are always failing and is stealing our joy. She has developed a 3 step method to help parents raise their kids mindfully, skillfully AND enjoy doing it. She has also presented this method at conferences and corporate events for professionals looking for greater effectiveness and wellness under pressure. She writes for Forbes on the science of human performance and Psychology Today on life in the culture of anxiety.

She has degrees from Princeton in the history of ideas and Rutgers in medicine, and did her pediatric training at Duke and University of Chicago.
She is an adjunct faculty member of Rush University School of Medicine.