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A New Way to Think About Breast Cancer

A New Way to Think About Breast Cancer

Fitz Koehler didn't think about breast cancer. Afterall she had received a clean mammogram.  But several weeks later she found a lump in her breast. Fitz took immediate action. She won her race against this deadly diseases by getting treatment quickly, maintaining a healthy perspective, and asking for help.

October is National Breast Cancer Month. But don't wait til then to take some time to listen to Fitz’s story.  What can you do to strengthen your body to prepare for a health challenge that may be ahead?


  1. Keep your body healthy and strong.  Eat healthy foods. Exercise regularly.  Use every day chores to get exercise into your schedule.
  2. A mammogram is not foolproof.  Consistently do self check, especially if you think you may be at risk for developing breast cancer.
  3. If you find a lump, act quickly. Talk to your doctor.
  4. If you are getting treatment, ask for help. Remember, you are not alone.

According to the CDC, of 100,000 women, 125 will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  And of those 125, twenty will die.  This prediction does not have to be your outcome.  But being proactive is necessary.

Fitz, a runner and a race broadcaster, won her race against breast cancer.  And you can too.

Grab a copy of Fitz's book My Noisy Cancer Comeback and learn more about her journey.

NOTE: This post is for informational purposes only. Please see your health care partner if you have concerns about your health.