November is National Children’s Grief Awareness Month. 1 out of every 20 children age fifteen and younger will experience the loss of one or both parents ( I can’t imagine the statistics for ...
Dr. Michelle R. Hannah shares her tips and strategies for solo moms on how to be a good example to their children by taking care of themselves. Having raised her daughter after divorce for 17 years, Dr. Hannah is intimately ...
Some of the many reasons we struggle as solo moms can be traced back to how we love ourselves. In Part 1 of the series: Why Solo Moms Struggle, I talk about my 3 tips to embrace self-love. Takeaways: See yourself as God sees ...
Maggie Perotin was raised by a solo mom and is currently living in a blended family. Maggie helps women become high-performing leaders of their businesses. She gives them strategies to avoid hassle and overwhelm while strat...
Leslie Lindsay Davis overcame is the author of You Can't Eat Love. Leslie overcame emotional eating and lost about 100 lbs when she discovered the reasons for her emotional eating. Leslie says “No one can make you anything ex...
Kimberly Bell is a working solo mom of 5 children (4 of whom are adults) and 6 grandchildren. Kimberly finds creating balance a challenge sometimes as there are so many aspects to solo parenting. She also thinks that within ...
The solo mom experience no matter how long ago it happened leaves a lasting impression. Because that experience gives us the ability to reach into the very depths of our being and pull out the strength and tenacity necessary...