I wanted to kick off Season 4 by bringing to you one of my favorite online mentors. Jonathan Milligan is an author, podcaster, and online business coach. His "15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers" was of the roadmaps that got ...
Today's guest is Dr. Cam Caswell, Adolescent Psychologist and family success coach. We talked about teenage behavior and how we as parents interpret them. She points out how different the relationship is when you are a solo ...
When you need a good distraction from the grind of life, take a break. Play a sport. Bond with your kids and grandkids. Even the dog can get into the fray. In this episode, I talk to Lynn Cherry, host of Pickleball Fire Po...
CPA, Susan Stutzel pursued perfection to the point of overwhelm and exhaustion. Being a mother, wife, and employee, made it necessary for her to make adjustments to create a more balanced life for herself. As a mindset and p...
Howard Dekkers helps individuals create an environment of economic scarcity so they can develop a system to become financially free. He teaches his student to become "money mindful". "It’s not how much you make but it’s what...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel solo in an RV? I’ve dreamed of doing that most of my adult life. But fear held me back. In this episode I talk with Kathie Belge, host of Travels With Squeaky Podcast ...
November is National Children’s Grief Awareness Month. 1 out of every 20 children age fifteen and younger will experience the loss of one or both parents (www.childrensgriefawareness.org). I can’t imagine the statistics for ...
Katie Belfi is a former FEMA attorney and a Readiness & Resilience Consultant. She currently focuses on helping individuals learn how to not only prepare for disasters but also how to bounce back from those circumstances. “ ...
In this interview, I chat with DP Knudten about building a personal brand. DP is the host of The Nonfiction Brand podcast and author of Nonfiction Brand. Building a personal brand takes focus and dedication. It's the best w...
Carrington Smith is a divorced mom of two sons, an attorney, and an author. She shares her story of not only enduring sexual assault while in college but also the devastation that came with unsupportive family members. Carri...
In this conversation with Iva Paleckova, we talk about what happens when you make the decision to move beyond the devastation of finding yourself a solo parent. Abandonment by her child’s father didn’t make Iva give up. Inst...
Jon McLernon is a Certified Health Coach that teaches his clients an inside-out approach that helps them reverse engineer weight loss. Having successfully lost and kept off over 100 lbs, Coach Jon is deeply familiar with the ...
One of the biggest struggles solo moms face is managing their health. Specifically, they struggle with weight issues that can lead to massive health problems. That's the reason I interview so many experts in health and well...
As a new grandmother, I was curious to have a conversation with Gramps Jeffrey, author of I Don't Want to Turn 3. It helps that the discussion is one of my favorite pastimes: reading. Gramps encourages solo moms to use readin...
Going to college is not for everyone. But when you decide that a college education is for you or your child, don’t get lost in the shuffle. Shellee Howard explains how her child graduated from Harvard debt free. Listen to le...
Talking to Lisa M MacKenzie reminds me of the resilience and determination of moms raising children solo. Lisa founded several companies mostly to help others, after leaving her corporate job. 01:30 - How Lisa became a solo m...
Dr. Michelle R. Hannah shares her tips and strategies for solo moms on how to be a good example to their children by taking care of themselves. Having raised her daughter after divorce for 17 years, Dr. Hannah is intimately ...
Some of the many reasons we struggle as solo moms can be traced back to how we love ourselves. In Part 1 of the series: Why Solo Moms Struggle, I talk about my 3 tips to embrace self-love. Takeaways: See yourself as God sees ...
Bad credit makes you look bad. It can also cause you to spend more money than you can realistically afford. But bad credit can cost you so much more. Higher costs of insurance and missing out on your ideal job are perfect ex...
This short episode is about keeping in touch and showing my appreciation for your loyalty and support to SoloMoms! Talk. Follow to get an update as I'll be publishing an episode a week to celebrate my birthday, the end of Sea...
Maggie Perotin was raised by a solo mom and is currently living in a blended family. Maggie helps women become high-performing leaders of their businesses. She gives them strategies to avoid hassle and overwhelm while strat...
Dr. Leslie Pledger inspires moms raising sons to build better relationships with them. As a member of the school staff and having her own private school, Dr. Leslie saw firsthand the devastating effect of sons bearing the br...
America's Reading Ambassador, Danny Brassell gave me an exciting interview in this episode. It was fun because Danny is as excited about reading as I am. He's the author of several books about reading and leadership. Main t...
After 24 years of marriage and two kids, Kelli Callabrese's husband left. But Kelli found a way to work through the loss of her relationship while helping her kids grieve. Kelli reinvented herself by moving across the country...