Welcome Solo Mom!

Alison Escalante

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Alison Escalante MD is a Pediatrician, author of the upcoming book Sigh, See, Start: How to Be the parent your child needs in a world that won’t stop pushing, TEDx Speaker, Writer and Woman on a Mission to ease the epidemic of anxiety that has convinced us we are always failing and is stealing our joy. She has developed a 3 step method to help parents raise their kids mindfully, skillfully AND enjoy doing it. She has also presented this method at conferences and corporate events for professionals looking for greater effectiveness and wellness under pressure. She writes for Forbes on the science of human performance and Psychology Today on life in the culture of anxiety.

She has degrees from Princeton in the history of ideas and Rutgers in medicine, and did her pediatric training at Duke and University of Chicago.
She is an adjunct faculty member of Rush University School of Medicine.

April 2, 2024

A Pediatrician's Guide to Break Free From Solo Mom "Should" w/Alison Escalante

Some solo moms constantly battle "should storms" that often come from societal expectations. But as Tony Robbins says, this "shoulding all over ourselves" only creates negativity and stress. In this episode, Pediatrician and ...