Welcome Solo Mom!

Kuni Beasley

Kuni Beasley Profile Photo


For over 40 years, DR. KUNI BEASLEY has been helping students reach their college goals. Since 2011, Dr. Beasley and his team have helped students earn over $300 million in scholarships and grants, with students admitted to the top institutions in the country to include the Ivy League (Harvard, Cornell, etc.), Service Academies (West Point, Annapolis, etc.), and Top Tier colleges (MIT, Stanford, Duke, etc.). His SAT/ ACT Prep program has been used in public and private schools in over 20 states. Dr. Beasley was the Dean of the New College Preparatory Academy with 22 sites across the country from Springfield, MA,
to Hot Springs, AR, to Palm Springs, CA. Dr. Beasley has a BS from Texas Christian University (Go Frogs), an MBA from Oklahoma City University, a Doctor of Ministry from Tyndale Seminary, and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Arlington. He went to college 22 years and paid for only one semester.