Welcome Solo Mom!

Shelley Kenow

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Those Who "Can't..." Teach; True Stories of Special Needs Families to Promote Acceptance, Inclusion, and Empathy

I am a wife of 30 years, mom for 22 years, trained human to a chihuahua for 13 years, special educator for 30 years, author, Master IEP Coach®, speaker/presenter, and livestream host of #nolimits and cohost on Friday with Fran.
I love nurturing families that are going through the special education process, broadening the perspective of those who don't have a disability or know someone who does, and encouraging everyone to make the world better for all, one person at a time!

Feb. 28, 2023

Helping Parents Understand Their Child's IEP w/Shelley Kenow

In this episode, I talk with Shelley Kenow, an expert in helping parents of children with special needs understand how the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process works. We talk about what an IEP is and how parents can...
Guest: Shelley Kenow