How To Be Money Mindful So You Can Become Financially Free w/Howard Dekkers

Howard Dekkers helps individuals create an environment of economic scarcity so they can develop a system to become financially free. He teaches his student to become "money mindful".

"It’s not how much you make but it’s what you do with what you make that will determine if yone day you’ll be financially free or not". Howard Dekkers


  • Even when they don’t seem to be listening your kids will absorb your teaching.
  • Small amounts over a long period of time will help you meet your financial goals
  • How to find money in your current budget to save for a financially secure future
  • Create your own financial freedom fund with as little as $10 per month if that’s all you have.

Disclaimer: For information purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future growth.  Take responsibility for your own finances and do your homework.

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Intro song from the single "Desperate" by Damien Ellison

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