How to Out-Earn Your Income w/Charlotte Barrett

About years ago I interviewed Charlotte Barrett. She’s a solo mom who at the time had a tween daughter and a newborn infant.  Yet Charlotte was on the cusp of starting a movement.  A business that helps women in corporate outearn their income.

In this interview, Charlotte shares her current business strategies with us.  How she helps working women shift how they view themselves — identity shft — so they can see themselves as entrepreneurs.


8:00 - Don’t compare yourself to someone else because you don’t know the backstory

10:00? - Don;t put off for tomorrow what you can do today

Do it now action build self-confidence

17: 00 - manage your time you cannot get back what you’ve lost

Bio: Mum of 2. Business coach and consultant for women in cooperate wanting to learn how to out earn their wages online. Co-founder of business growth agency Grace and Charlotte. Creative strategists for brands.

Connect with Charlotte: Instagram | Website | Podcast: Think. Create. Initiate.

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Charlotte Barrett


Charlotte Barrett is a business coach & consultant specializing in helping women make their first 1k online that they can then 10x their income.

She’s also the co-founder of Think. Create. Initiate™ Mastermind that offers focused business coaching to corporate women ready to create a profitable business online.

She has over a decade of small business experience and has helped hundreds of women clarify their business idea and get their first few paid clients online.

Her success portfolio also extends to working with micro enterprises, SMEs, Universities and large corporate organizations worldwide like “The Google Campus” to deliver bespoke business startup workshops.

Co-host of the popular podcast show Think Create Initiate . Charlotte is also a mum of two daughters Alissiah 13 and Alayah 3 years old.

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