In this episode, I talk about the challenges faced by solo moms and introduce my S.H.E. framework, which stands for Shift, Heal, and Empower.
If you want your life to change, you will need a shift in mindset, healing from past traumas, and the resources to empower yourself to live a fulfilling life.
S.H.E. is designed to help solo moms navigate transform their lives.
00:00 The S.H.E. (Shift, Heal, Empower) framework helps solo moms let go of past hurt and societal norms and focus on personal transformation.
03:17 Many solo moms lose their personal dreams and identity due to societal conditioning, which stifles their true growth and potential.
05:42 The S.H.E. program encourages solo moms to embrace their strength and see themselves as God sees them.
08:07 The six-month program is aimed at helping solo moms shift their mindset, heal from past wounds, and empower themselves to live abundantly.
Sign up for Shift. Heal. Empower (S.H.E.) program today.
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J. Rosemarie Francis (00:00.078)
So I've been thinking about certain things that affect us as solo moms. I remember after my third divorce that I lamented as to why no one loved me and what was wrong with me. And I've developed from that. I talk about that in previous episodes, but I wanted to talk about how we got ourselves here.
as solo moms.
J. Rosemarie Francis (00:42.03)
It's hard to keep your
J. Rosemarie Francis (00:52.236)
Based on my own experience and the experiences of moms I've mentored, I have developed a framework by which we as solo moms can empower our lives to not fall into the same trap that we fell into before, before we became solo moms. Now, there are many issues, there are many different things.
that contributed to us being solo moms. And I'm gonna say that if you're a widow, then this doesn't relate to you as much, but some things might help you. And so I've developed this framework called SHE. The acronym is S-H-E, Shift, Heal, Empower. And that just means that in order for us to change our lives because we have the power to. We have to shift our mindset. One, to shift our mindset from thinking we have no control because we do. The second thing is that we need to change this expectation that we put on ourselves or we accept from society
that there is an order, you're born, you go to school, you go to college, you get married, you have kids, and that is not necessarily the path. The path is the one that is your path, the one, and I believe, that God leads you through. Because the truth is that the reason we are miserable, the reason our lives end up
unhappy is because we have just taken over, we've taken on the standard, the norms instead of following our true path. I think it's Jack Canfield who said that when we are born, we're as children, as babies, we have our own mind, we do our own thing. And the parent is the one who, you know, create guardrails.
J. Rosemarie Francis (03:17.39)
to help to steer the child and to raise it up the way it should go. But we don't have any fear in touching a hot burner when we're babies or children. We don't have any fear in saying what comes to our mind. We don't have any fear in saying things or doing things that we feel like doing because we're children and that's how we are born. But as we get older, we get
we get crafted into societal norm and our ideas and our dreams die within us because we have decided in our ignorance and I don't mean in a mean way because everybody does it. We go to school, we're trained a certain way, we're in the workplace, we're trained a certain way, we...
you know, maybe our parents raise a certain way because that's how they were raised. And so we lose ourselves in all that noise. And I think it's time for us as women, as mothers, as solo moms, to shift our mindset. The second thing is, is the H and that stands for heal. We must get
Healing and healing takes on a lot of different forms. It's an individual thing. This isn't a one size fit all. I recognize that. So healing for you may be talking to a therapist. He may be planting a garden. It may be journaling. Healing for you may be forgiving someone. It may be that
you start to let go of something. So that is the second part of my framework, healing. And whatever that looks like for you is what it is for you. It's not what somebody else tells you. And the third part of my framework is called empower. Empowering your life.
J. Rosemarie Francis (05:42.754)
to be who you want to be. Be the woman or the mother, the wife, the child that God wants you to be. Be the person. See yourself as God sees you, empowered, strong, courageous, right? And that framework, I believe, I've created it to help you.
transform your life. So in this series, I'm gonna go back to interviews here and there, but I wanted to talk about this series on the podcast so that you could know what is available to you as a solo mom is to shift, heal, and empower yourself. And I plan to have a six month course.
out of this material, out of this framework to help you design the life you want because you don't have to suffer just because you're a solo mom. You don't have to suffer because just because your mom didn't love you or your dad didn't love you. You don't have to suffer just because you were abandoned as a child. You don't have to suffer because your ex abused you. You do not have
have to live in suffering because of your past missteps and decisions. You don't have to suffer because you're a single mom. You can shift, you can heal, and you can find empowerment to live your life in abundance. Hope this helped. Thank you. Hi. So we're approaching the end of the year and the busy
a holiday shopping season. It's also the time of the year when people make goals and you look forward towards a new year. And as you do that, I'd like you to consider taking the She Course. And if you think this is something that could help you shift your mindset and bring you the healing you need to empower your life, sign up below, hit the link below.
J. Rosemarie Francis (08:07.406)
and sign up and be on the wait list for, because this course is going to be starting in January. The full course will be available. Actually, I'll have it available before January. So I have an early bird special and it's actually 50 % off if you sign up before January 1st. And that way you could start whenever you want to start.
It's a self-pacing course, but I will be available for one-on-one or monthly live sessions. So if this episode, this idea of shift, heal, and power resonates with you, hit the link below and get on my wait list because this
This 50 % special is only for a short time. Thank you.