How to Use Your Cycle to Practice Self Care - Dorit Palvanov

Dorit Palvanov is a married mom of three daughters who found a solution to being tired and worn out during her cycle. She discovered that:

  • women have 4 cycles not two
  • when you feel weak and worn out is not the time to double down on strenuous activities
  • solo moms can learn to harness resources by seeking help outside the time of her cycle so she can take the time to rest when needed.

Bio: Dorit Palvanov is a registered holistic nutritionist, cycle-syncing expert and femininity mentor.

Through her work and podcast, Confident, Energized and Sexy Mama she empowers women to embrace their menstrual cycles as a framework to create flow in their lives and homes, align energetically and ditch the millennia-old story that women are destined to struggle, burnout and sacrifice their health, relationships and/or careers if they want to ‘have it all’. 

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Intro song: "Desperate" by Damien Ellison

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