Losing it All in More Ways Than One - Shaniqua Garvin

Shaniqua Garvin is a widowed single mom who is raising and homeschooling her 10-year son.  She has a lifestyle blog titled after her name shaniquagarvin.com but is often most notable for being on the cover of Oprah Magazine with nine other women, including Oprah.  Shaniqua says she still feels vulnerable and insecure as she is trying to figure things out as she goes along. 

Listen as she tells you how she lost 50 lbs. on her weight loss journey.  Thanks.

The Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow...(Psalm 146:9).

If you are a solo mom, tell your story on an upcoming episode of SoloMoms! Talk.  Email: jen@solomoms-talk.com. Those who tell their stories rule the world (Native American proverb).

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Intro song by Damien Ellison from his single "Desperate"

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