Putting Your Oxygen Mask on First w/Magic Barclay

After being diagnosed with multiple conditions, Magic Barclay went on a journey to discover holistic ways to manage her health. In this episode, she shares that journey with us.

As a solo mom, Magic couldn't afford to succumb to sickness. Rather than feeling sorry for herself, she learned all she could about getting better. She now uses that knowledge to help others overcome their health challenges by treating the root cause of their problems.

3:04 - How Magic became a solo mom

7:43 - Health challenges she overcame

10:00 - How unresolved trauma can lead to physical illness

11:00 - Mold's effect on the immune systems

14:16 - How to protect yourself as a mom

19:54 - How to live a magical life

Connect with Magic: www.wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

Facebook: @holisticnaturalhealth

Bio: Magic Barclay, lead practitioner at (W)holistic Natural Health- I treat using wholeism - looking at the whole body and all the systems rather than reductionism (as most other Drs and naturopaths do) which treat in isolation by reducing symptoms.

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SoloMoms! Talk Connect is a private meetup group that connects solo moms globally. This group provides a welcoming and supportive environment for single mothers to connect and share their experiences. SoloMoms! Talk Connect is the ideal place to find encouragement and camaraderie, whether it's discussing the joys and challenges of parenting on your own or simply enjoying the company of others in a similar situation. Join now to become a part of a strong, inspiring community of solo moms!

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