Ever wondered about the hidden pitfalls in your everyday food choices, or how to redefine weight loss as a process?
Join us on this episode, as high-performance coach, Roman Fischer shares his journey in a manner that solo moms can learn from. From a skinny kid to a bodybuilder, Roman takes us on his captivating journey into the fitness world. He talks with sincerity about inspiration drawn from his brother's transformation and his grandfather's untimely passing.
You will surely find his story a stirring invitation to adjust your health and fitness priorities.
Roman also shares pragmatic advice for solo moms grappling with weight loss. He eloquently stresses the importance of focusing on progress over perfection and enlightens us that our weight is not always the best measure of progress.
Together, we unearth the startling facts about the food industry and its overuse of artificial ingredients and sugar. Roman leaves us with a thought-provoking discussion about anxiety, its prevalence among solo moms, and whether it can be truly conquered or simply managed.
This episode is an absolute must-listen if you seek motivation to embark on your fitness journey or if you're simply curious about the world of fitness and health.
Connect with Roman: Instagram | Website
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Roman Fischer
So if you're struggling with, you know, trying to lose weight and you're not seeing the scale move, and it's frustrating and it's very time-consuming and maddening, I would say.
J. Rosemarie
Tired, weary, frustrated. What would you be doing if you weren't raising children alone? What's stopping you from living your best life? Now, on Solar Mom's Talk, I discuss with Solar Mothers the challenges you face raising children alone. So if you're a working Solar Mom dealing with independent children, insensitive bosses, weight and health issues or even debt collectors, join us as we discover your path to get and stay healthy, increase your income and live with joy and purpose.
J. Rosemarie
My guest today is high performance coach Roman Fischer. Welcome, Roman, thank you for being in Solar Mom's Talk.
Roman Fischer
Yeah, thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.
J. Rosemarie
Absolutely, it's my pleasure. Before we talk about what to do, could you tell us who is Roman Fischer?
Roman Fischer
Yes, so I am an actor, model, bodybuilder and high performance coach, helping people just transform their minds and bodies and also just increasing their energy, happiness and overall self-confidence to you.
J. Rosemarie
Oh, thank you. So, thanks, oh yeah, all right. So there are lots of people who are into fitness and high performance and all of that, but I think that 99.9% of them have a story what brought you into fitness?
Roman Fischer
For sure. So, as ironic and weird as it might seem and sound, I was actually not always into fitness. In fact, I used to be one of those skinny kids and I never really looked out for what I ate, what I was drinking, what I was eating, what I was putting in my body and even on my body. I used to put on some moisturizers, maybe now and then, but they were had a lot of chemicals in them and just a lot of bad stuff I would do to my body and not even realize it and really not even care. Also, too, I never really worked out. I would just lounge around and play video games and just go to school, play video games. That was my life back then. But what really got me into fitness and just health and fitness in general was there were really a couple of key factors and key things in my life and my past that occurred, that transformed my whole mindset and my whole lifestyle into what I do today. And so what happened was initially seeing my brother looked weights when I was around 15 years old, roughly seeing him looked weights and just that increase in strength and muscle and that transformation from when he got from being skinny to being more muscular himself and then seeing that firsthand and in person over several weeks and months, I was definitely impressed and I wanted to have the same results for myself. So that's one of the things that got me into weightlifting and working out just seeing the positive changes that I can do just to one's body not even a mention, of course, their mindset and how they feel to you. And then another key factor as well was and this is a more serious factor that happened in my past but seeing my grandpa one of my grandpa's passed away due to not really eating healthy, not living a healthy lifestyle and not taking his health seriously. He was a veteran, I will admit. So he did take care of his body in his early years and he was really active, of course, to be in the military. But later on in his life he didn't take it seriously and he just fell off and then from there he didn't really care. He'd never really put on sunscreen, he always got sunburned and then he always just went for a lot of sugary foods too. So he didn't really. He was not mindful. He was not mindful of what he was putting in his body and what he was doing to his body and sadly, that eventually and ultimately gave him cancer and he died of that cancer.
So obviously that was a really difficult thing for me to have to deal with and face in my life and that's hard for really anyone honestly. But seeing that firsthand and him pass away, that definitely put me in some deep depression for a little bit. But after that I overcame that by really being motivated and inspired to not want to go down that same path and really just want to make him proud for, like, from how he would have been in his early years. I wanted to replicate that for my life and also not have anyone else, you know, meet that same fate, just like I didn't want to meet that fate.
And so that really inspired, you know, me to get into fitness as well, in addition to my brother lifting weights and seeing him get stronger yeah, so that made it really cool and really clear that this is what I want to do. Like, I love fitness, acting and modeling school, but fitness is one of the key things and really it's the most important thing. Health and fitness overall is, you know, the most important thing anybody could do or have in their life, because health is wealth.
J. Rosemarie
Yeah, it is definitely Well. I'm impressed by your you know your work and by your attitude, because I lost my. I lost my you're welcome. I lost my granddad to esophageal cancer because he smoked like hell. You know, like you know, and and I didn't think, well, I need to watch my health, you know, I just thought he had bad habits and he died, right, and I missed him and I was upset, right, but I moved on. But you learned from that, and you'd not only learn from that for yourself personally, but you also are helping other people. So I'm proud of you, kudos.
Roman Fischer
Yeah, yeah, thank you, yeah, and just seeing all the stuff they put in our foods to you and then, after doing some research, this was a little. This was another reason I would say that I was even more passionate about fitness and taking care of what's in my body. And what I put in my body was researching all the stuff they put in our foods, like all the artificial, you know ingredients, colors, all the sugars to you that the lad it's, it's nuts, it's really nuts. You know one serving or one cup of Pepsi, you're basically over your daily sugar. You know intake that you want, that you really want and need in a day.
J. Rosemarie
Yes, yes, I understand, I've been, I've been intimately familiar with the ingredients they put in stuff, because I suffer from hypertension, and it took me a while to start closely. I mean, I was well aware, because I've studied nutrition for quite some time, because of that, but but then, salt is in everything, sodium is in everything, and so is sugar I mean everything, so yeah, I get where you're coming from with that.
Roman Fischer
Oh yeah, yeah, one of the worst things to you is like, if you're, you know someone that's not vegan and you like to eat meat, one of the worst things you could possibly have not that. You know. Protein in itself is good and lunch meat can be good, but a lot of the lunch meat can actually be unhealthy and can be really one of the worst things you can put in your body other than you know. Sugar itself yes, because a lot of the deli meat they have in our grocery stores have so much sodium already pumped into it.
Just to preserve it, which I understand the whole idea of preserving meat but you can still get away with having, you know, fresh lunch meat that's not sodium ridden because they have so much salt in that. Like I actually went on, I'm basically on a low sodium diet, other than a high protein diet. I also really just keep my sodium to the very minimum and ever since I did that I noticed if I ever have some lunch meat that's not, you know, low in salt, I can taste it.
You can taste and I can't even eat it. It's so gross actually.
J. Rosemarie
And it's important that you brought that up because this is a show about and for solar moms who, you know, have children and sometime lunch meat is there, you know, sandwich meat of choice and I don't think it's something that we think about because we're trying to keep our kids healthy, but it is one of the worst foods we can eat because of all this stuff they pack into it to make it taste good.
Roman Fischer
So yeah, sure, yeah you're totally right on that. Like I used to never really be concerned with what I was eating. Like I was saying before and you know, ever since I've researched this stuff to you it's it really does bring a whole new light to all this. Like it is really nuts what they put. In our view it's just insane.
J. Rosemarie
Yes, yes, yeah, that awareness is key, so okay. So I noticed that on your profile you talk about anxiety, and anxiety is one of those things that we, as solo moms, we, you know we kind of struggle with, right. So can you overcome anxiety? Or is it just something you, you know you struggle with and try to manage? And if you can overcome it, how do you do that? Sorry, yeah, for sure.
Roman Fischer
So anxiety, it's obviously one of the worst things anybody can, you know, have to deal with, experience and feel, knowing myself firsthand, because I've actually suffered from horrible anxiety, especially when I was younger and you know, with just being bullied and not really always knowing what to do with my life or how to you know go from day to day. Just anything would always give me great anxiety. What I, how I feel about anxiety personally is that, and what I really know of it from everything I've researched and all the experiences I've had with myself and current clients and past clients, is that anxiety is definitely something that everyone will struggle with, but it's something you can manage and even reduce and potentially overcome if you do it right. You definitely can.
J. Rosemarie
Okay, all right. I remember when I was younger and my husband left me with two little boys, I had an anxiety attack and I didn't know what it was. I mean, I did not have no clue and my blood pressure was at skyrocketed and rather than manage the anxiety, the doctor gave me pills for high blood pressure. And so I've always looked back towards that, because I have a friend who suffered from anxiety and that's how I now understand what that is and how it can affect us in different ways. So I appreciate you sharing that with us, because it is a very big factor in how solo moms manage their lifestyle. So, yeah, thank you.
Roman Fischer
Yeah, and there's definitely ways to overcome anxiety too as well.
J. Rosemarie
Yes, yes, okay, thank you. So what is Roman grateful for today?
Roman Fischer
Yes, what I would say personally what I'm the most grateful for is knowing that I'm healthy and that I'm able to help other people become healthy and stay healthy as well.
J. Rosemarie
Okay, thank you. So now that you're healthy and you want to help other people get healthy, talk to a solo mom, explain how what you do can help her and then tell her how she can connect with you.
Roman Fischer
Yeah, definitely. So, really, just first how I can help any one person you know in this journey. I say just first, analyzing and figuring out the root problem and the root cause of your problem and then from there, when you can pinpoint that and when you can, you know, relay that to whoever, whether it's me or someone else that you know and that you love, potentially, then you can figure out steps to actually overcome that. And what I recommend and how I can help, is by giving gradual steps of change and how to overcome whatever problem that you're facing, whether it's, you know, mental and mindset, or just with your, you know, physical, with weight loss or trying to gain muscle, whatever it might be.
J. Rosemarie
Okay, and how can we get in touch with you? Give us all your links.
Roman Fischer
Definitely so. I have several links, so I have several different social medias to you. You can find me at Facebook, instagram or even TikTok or YouTube, and it's Roman Fisher official. Those are my handles. Now for my website, you can find me at Roman Fisher officialcom.
J. Rosemarie
Okay, all right, simple and easy, and we'll put those links in the show notes so people could connect with you, all right, okay, so I really appreciate you coming in and talking to me today. Roman, I want you to give a solo mom I know you're not a mom, but you have a lot of knowledge and you have the mindset and discipline and self control to overcome and I'm going to ask you if you could give one piece of advice to a solo mom who's struggling with weight or health something.
Roman Fischer
Definitely so. If you're struggling with, you know, trying to lose weight and you're not seeing the scale move, and it's frustrating and it's very time consuming and maddening, I would say the first thing is just to mentally keep a mental note and just remind yourself day in and day out, every day, that it's a process. You know it's a journey. Yes, we want to get to the destination, we all do, definitely, but it's the journey that matters and it's more so, you know, progress over perfection and these things take time. You know it comes in phases. It doesn't happen overnight. Nothing really and truly happens overnight.
And then I would say from there don't obsess over the scale. The scale to an extent can you know. Show where you're at. You know to an extent, but for the most part, focus on what's in the mirror and focus on, you know, measuring yourself. If you have tape measures, that way you can really see, you know, how much weight you're losing and any fat that you might be losing to you, Because the scale can not always be accurate, If that makes sense. Yes, it can be accurate to you how much you weigh at that current you know moment in time, but it's not really showing how much fat you're losing and muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be gaining muscle potentially, and you could be just burning fat, and that's why the scale is not really going down, because you're gaining muscle but you're losing fat and since, and since muscle weighs more than fat, your scale won't really go down. So you just got a really pinpoint to you what you're training for and if you might be gaining muscle, and you got to take all that into consideration.
J. Rosemarie
Right Cool, all right. So the scale is not always an indication of your progress, of your weight loss progress, then?
Roman Fischer
J. Rosemarie
Right, okay, thank you, roman Fisher, for coming and speaking to us today. I really appreciate you and I hope that one day in the future I could call on you to come back and talk to us.
Roman Fischer
Yeah, for sure All right.