The Possibilitarian - Tracey Schmidt

This week’s guest comes to you all the way from Bali, Indonesia.  Tracey Schmidt, is a solo mom who asked for love and received it in the form of her now 18-year-old daughter.

To that end, she shares with us how important it is to ask for exactly what you want and need…to be specific in your ask.  You also know that anything is possible when you believe.

If you ever wondered what it’s like to turn your disppointments into possibilities, listen to this heartwarming interview with Tracey.  She is living her dreams.  She has the courage to believe.  Sometimes all we need to begin is to listen to our hearts.

No matter what direction our life takes, it is very important not to get stuck.  There is nothing wrong with changing your mind.  Course correction is always in vogue.  Just always listen to your heart.

Follow Tracey on Instagram @theholisticshabang

If you are a mother who has or is raising your children alone, share your story on an upcoming episode of SoloMoms! Talk.  Email: or text: +1 201-731-2356. Those who tell their stories rule the world (Native American proverb). 

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Ask and it will be given; seek and you will find; know and it will be opened to you.  (Matthew 7:7)

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Intro song by Damien Ellison from his single "Desperate"

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