Welcome Solo Mom!

About Our 3 Brains #podcast #singlemom #brainhealth

Is there a connection between our guts, brain, and heart?

Carrie Leaf explains the fascinating connection between our gut, brain, and heart in this video.

Learn how the gut-brain-heart axis impacts our physical and emotional well-being and how to improve it.

Watch the full interview with Carrie as she shares insights on gut health, mental health, and heart health and how to keep them in balance for overall wellness. https://youtu.be/dh9_-YjWTY4

More SoloMoms! Talk Podcast: https://bit.ly/401M2AP
This podcast was recorded on Riverside.fm: https://bit.ly/3Iz03Q7
Connect with me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Cy9MTe
More inspiration and motivation especially for midlife solo moms: https://bit.ly/3kFeeJP

#guthealth #brainhealth #hearthealth #gut-brain-heartaxis #wellness #holistichealth #mentalhealth #carrieleaf #healthylifestyle