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Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits? #singlemom #socialsecurity

If you think you qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI) Spencer Bishins says don't be discouraged by all the requirements and red tape.

If you or your child is disabled there's financial help available through social security benefits. But the process can be cumbersome and far more trouble than it's worth. But if you are suffering because you can't work or you have a child that needs these benefits, don't give up. Spencer gives tips on how to navigate the difficult process of applying for SSDI benefits.

In the meantime, grab a copy of Social Security Revealed: Why it's so hard to access benefits and what you can do about it: https://amzn.to/3XM9cZY
Find out more about SSDI: https://bit.ly/2jD1mko
Watch Money Mindset Experts on SoloMoms! Talk TV: https://bit.ly/3kurWiy
Connect with me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3XLRVQD
Spencer is another awesome guest from PodMatch: https://bit.ly/3J1G4df

This video is the last in the Mastering Your Money Mindset series.

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#socialsecuritybenefits #disability #socialsecurity #socialsecuritydisability #disabledchild #financialhelp #SSDIbenefits, #applyingforsocialsecuritydisabilitytips #SpencerBishins

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