We all have pivotal moments in our lives.
That one experience that has a profound impact on our thought process.
The one moment that moves us to take action. To reconnect with our true selves.
And make OTHER decisions that have long-term consequences on our lives and on the lives of those we love.
In this interview Body Centered Holistic Wellness Coach, Alison Rotham talks about how her wants and desires changed after a particular trip to Mexico.
After describing the experience, she shared what changed for her as a mom.
The experience created a monumental shift in her mindset that set her on a path to create a more joyful life for her and her son.
"...And it was a pivotal moment in my life for obvious reasons but you know just recognizing the preciousness of this life ... it's easy to focus on everything that's wrong and what you don't have and ...I was definitely struggling still kind of grappling with parenting alone and how was your make ends meet and…”
Alison Rothman is a solo mom to her 12-year-old son and a Body Centered Holistic Wellness Coach. She decided that leaving her marriage and raising her son alone was safer than staying.
SoloMoms! Talk is about the stories that connect us to each other. This solo mama uses her life skills to move beyond the fear of raising her son solo. And she wants you to know what a bad-ass you are for standing up for your kids and raising them--most times--alone.
Connect with Alison so she can help you "create an empowering relationship with yourself": https://bit.ly/3LPrB25
Instagram: @embody_life. Also, check out her podcast, Embodied & Awake on Apple Podcasts or on other platforms.
Listen to audio podcast: https://bit.ly/364WJvB
Website: https://bit.ly/3xdcw6q
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Alison is another awesome guest from PodMatch: https://bit.ly/3LS7PTE
Podcast guest booking & hosting by Captivate.fm: https://bit.ly/3unXDfN
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