Welcome Solo Mom!

Revealing the Secret: Embracing the Right Size Body w/Patsy Sanders

Dive into the transformative conversation on self-image, judgment, and food addiction as Patsy and I discuss the impact of body size on perception.

Discover the empowering journey of breaking free from the cycle of weight fluctuation and finding self-acceptance.

Don't miss the insights into color typing and personal style that have elevated Patsy's confidence and transformed her world.

Listen to the full interview for a candid conversation about navigating judgment and embracing healthy self-esteem.

#SelfConfidence #BodyPositivity #ColorTyping #PersonalStyle #TransformationalJourney"

SoloMoms! Talk is a weekly podcast that curates the stories of solo moms globally.

The show also contains a wealth of information, tips, and strategies through interviews with thought leaders.

Episodes cover a host of topics such as mental health, relationships, personal finance, personal development, self-care, and pareting teens.