
In this episode, I discuss the evolving goals of solo moms, and talk about the importance of self-awareness and practical goal-setting strategies.

I encourgae you to reflect on their desires and set specific, realistic goals while you navigate the challenges of motherhood.

If you're seeking connection, don't parent alone. Join our community to amplify your voice and to get the support you need.

And remember, you are the real hero in your story.


(00:01:33) Evolving Goals as Solo Moms: As children grow older, our’ goals, desires, and needs change. It's important to reassess these goals regularly and prioritize new ones, such as personal ambitions that may have been put on hold.

(02:30:89) Self-Awareness is Key: Self-awareness is the starting point for achieving goals. Solo moms often focus so much on their children's lives that they lose track of their own identity. Taking time to reflect on who you are as an individual is essential for growth.

(04:54:09) Journaling as a Tool for Clarity: A simple journaling ( exercise, where you write down who you are, what you love, and what you want to achieve, can help bring clarity, especially during chaotic or crisis-filled moments.

(07:16:95) Setting Specific Goals: When setting goals, specificity is key. Instead of vague goals like "getting out of debt," focus on achievable, clear goals like paying off a specific credit card or saving a certain amount by a deadline.

(08:22:38) Crisis Can Feel Overwhelming: In the middle of a crisis, it’s easy to feel out of control and lose perspective. A small exercise like journaling can help regain some focus and allow you to think more strategically during difficult times.


Self-Reflection: The Key to Begin Healing ( (Abandoned Daughters of Caribbean Moms Podcast)

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