Welcome Solo Mom!

Uncovering the Reality of #Singlemom Life: Married But Solo #Podcast

As a married mom of two girls, Diji Shujahi juggled many things including being the host of Women of Arabia TV Show. But she struggled as a mother and wife because she was parenting alone.

It doesn't matter if you are married if dad's not engaged in co-parenting and providing for his family. But remember solo moms, you're not alone. Help is always available.

Watch the rest of Diji's story: https://bit.ly/3HM1gld
More interviews and expert tips: https://bit.ly/3jGXOjX
Want to connect with other solo moms? Attend our next virtual meetup: https://bit.ly/3YocC6g
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#self-love #marriedbutsolo #singlemomstory #DijiShujahi #womenofarabia