#singlemom #soloparenting #divorcedmom

👉Helpful Resources
Check out our website for more stories & inspiration: https://bit.ly/4h9Of5K
Website: https://www.jrosemarie.com
Podcast: https://www.solomoms-talk.com
Book a one-on-one with me: https://www.solomomstalk.com/solo-mom-mentorship
Join our community: https://www.solomomstalk.com/solo-moms-connect-community
Transform Your Life with S.H.E. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3Uk29bK
Save Time and Money with Passionate Penny Pincher Planning tools: https://bit.ly/3OpnLAl

For more inspiration & resources, check out my personal blog: https://rb.gy/7tusj3

SoloMoms! Talk is a weekly podcast that curates the stories of solo moms globally.
The show also contains a wealth of information, tips, and strategies through interviews with thought leaders.
Episodes cover a host of topics such as mental health, relationships, personal finance, personal development, self-care, and parenting teens.